主演:约翰尼·德普 海伦娜·伯翰·卡特 艾米丽·沃森 崔茜·尤玛 保罗·怀特
简介: 维克多的父母为儿子安排了一场婚姻,未婚妻是没落贵族小姐维多利亚。维克多内向敏感,不善表达,于是婚礼前夜来到小树林中暗暗排练宣誓仪式。然而,意外发生了。当他把戒指套进地上一根树枝上面时,愕然发现树枝竟然变成了一根腐烂了的手指!维克多惊魂未定,地动山摇间眼前竟然出现了一个僵尸新娘。而这个腐烂的手指,正是长在她的身上。 僵尸新娘情真意切的说自己就是维克多的合法妻子。维克多惊异万分,慢慢得知原来这个女子死于一个新婚之夜,她一直在这里等她丈夫的到来。 在小树林里维克多不但认识了这个女子,还看到这片死人世界一片欢乐和睦的气氛,他被眼前的情景深深感染,畏惧渐渐散去。然而,在两个世界,两个新娘之间,维克多该如何抉择。
主演:伊藤美纪 土田大 佐古真弓 郑美淑 박소라 이선주 박선영 김영선 김
简介: 想做出大家感觉幸福的料理,这就是长今的梦想。她在对她另眼相看的韩尚宫的帮助下参加御膳厨房小宫女的选拔考试。经过诸多曲折后她开始宫廷生活,她感到到处都很好奇,好像自己的梦想马上就能实现一样的兴奋……而且马上成为朋友的连生、昶怡和料理神童今英,还有跟慈爱的韩尚宫一起生活也让她觉得很幸运。与闵政浩一起打猎的中宗受到刺客的威胁,从马上摔落在地,闵政浩为了追刺客而丢下中宗一个人。正好路过那儿的长今和同二救了中宗,把他带到医院……但是因为长今看到威胁中宗的刺客的脸,因此长今也处于危险中……不那么容易的升级考试、和今英之间无法回避的比赛、卷进杀害中宗的阴谋……绝对不平坦的御膳厨房的生活,长今如何克服下去呢
主演:纳瓦·君拉纳拉 Nusaba Wanichangkul Pimmada
简介: Pong acted as Pummared like the title of this lakorn. The story was about Pummared whom seeking revenge of his family enemy daugthers his dad's old business partner. Pummared's father had a partner in hotel business but they broke off with bad dispute and due to Pummared's father bad management his business collapsed so he tried to borrow money from his ex-business partner but he didn't want to lend him money instead took over the hotel and made Pummared's father became paralysed on both legs. Pummared came to Bangkok when his dad's ex-business partner was dead and came to his funeral pretending that his father was the family friend. Pummared's father ex-business partner had 3 daugthers. The 1st one was Ning, the head of the family good for handling business matter but lousy when it comes to relatioship and socialized with people. The 2nd one was Noy, the strong-will and easy going person who socialized a lot and good in handling matters. The youngest sister was Noi, naive and innocent never know about outside world,love, and lack of confidentlity because she just staying at home and the best she could so just cooking at home. Pummared seduced these 3 sisters, the eldest sister was easy to seduced since she was yearned to be loved, the youngest also easy to seduced because she didn't know what love is until she attracted with Pummared even though she knew that Pummared already with her eldest sister she's willing to be his mistress. Noy was difficult for Pummared to win over because she was smart and not easy to fall for a guy, Pummared was being challanged to win her heart and he fell in love with her because of her behaviour compared to her 2 sisters. When Noy found ot that Pummared was her eldest sis's boyfriend she was very angry and had an argument with her eldest sister because she told her that he was not a nice person but Ning refused to believe her blinded by her love to him. Noy left home insisted couldn't live in the same roof with Pummared. Noy knew from his father's ex-lawyer whom Ning fired because he warned her about Pummared that Pummared and his dad were not decent people that they had motive to get involved in her family business. The fact was Pummared tried to take control of the company for his father's sake but less he knew that his father was the bad guy who tricked his son to pursue his personal ambition and he liked to gamble. Pummared married Ning and soon after Ning gave him power of her company on their wedding day then he showed his true color and didn't want to sleep with her but left to Noy's place but she didn't accept him, later on he ran away from everything. Pummared also impregnate Noi (the youngest sis) who fell head over heal to him and still didn't realize her mistake loving wrong guy. Ning realized her mistakes marrying a wrong guy and Noy reconciled with her. One day Ning knew that Noi was pregnant with Pummared, she's angry and jealous so when Pummared came to her house to talk over with Noi she wanted to shoot him but instead shoot Noi to dead, Ning went berserk hence Noy became all alone. Pummared realized his mistakes and his father misdeed and he wanted return everything to Noy however his father accidentally shoot him. He returned the shares to Noy and admitted that the only person that he truly loved just Noy he refused to go to the hospital and died in Noy's arms. Noy loved him and cried, she just couldn't accept because the way he mistreating his sisters.
主演:李幼斌 何政军 张光北 童蕾 孙俪 战卫华 陆彭 张桐 由力 王全有
主演:龟梨和也 上野树里 加藤雅也 加藤罗莎 中村俊介 星野真里
简介:美雪(上野树里 饰)收到朋友的邀请函,邀请去“废墟之乡”小度周末,美雪喊上同学和青梅竹马的金田一(龟梨和也 饰)一同前往,临时被同学放鸽子,变成了2人独行。在废墟之乡的一家旅馆,同住的还有警察剑持(加藤雅也 饰)、摄影师、小说家、医生等几个人,旅馆员工凑青子温柔大方,旅馆老板在饭后给大家讲了当地流传的吸血鬼的故事。 50年前,这里搬来一户罗马尼亚人,被大家误以为是吸血鬼,村民放了一场大火,事后却没找到儿子的尸体,从此天天有人死于吸血鬼之口。50年后,一家三口搬到这里开了旅馆,经济泡沫导致破产后夫妇自杀,剩下的一个女儿6年前神秘死去,身上的血都被抽干了。 故事讲到这里楼上传来惊叫声,一名女子死去,美雪恰好是事件的目击者,次日又一而再再而三有人死去,所有的矛头都直指美雪,一直逃避侦探爷爷大名的金田一,为了保护最重要的人,决定找出案件的真相。