主演:罗伯特·林德森 佐伊·沃纳梅克 加布瑞尔·汤姆森 克里斯·马歇尔 Si
简介: In the fourth series, Susan is looking forward to the birth of her first grandchild, but dreading being a grandmother. Nick is getting fed up with living in his ghastly flat and trying to think of a way to move back into the family home. The gap between Michael's IQ and the rest of the family's seems to be increasing, but so is his libido. And Abi is still Abi, only more so! As for perennially put-upon Ben, what with a new arrival causing chaos in the surgery, being forced to take tango lessons and being officially declared dead, life is just one long major-league cirsis.
主演:罗伯特·林德森 佐伊·沃纳梅克 加布瑞尔·汤姆森 丹妮拉·丹拜-阿什
简介: In Series five, Ben and Susan are enjoying some new-found tranquility, Nick has moved into his own flat, Janey is at university and Abi is usually out at evening class. Naturally the peace is not to last! Janey comes back home with baby Kenzo and Michael has been "born again" and is holding Bible study sessions in the living room. With Ben's famous dental patients, Susan's election ambitions and an unheathly obsession with Inspector Morse – not to mention the unlikely perils of house-sitting in a luxury modern apartment – domestic life is soon to be back to normal. So when Ben and Susan start being nice to each other it's no wonder Abi's suspicious; they could not be getting a divorce could they?
主演:克里斯托弗·埃克莱斯顿 马克·斯特朗 吉娜·麦基 丹尼尔·克雷格 皮特
导演:西蒙·赛伦·琼斯 Pedr James 斯图尔特·厄本
简介: A nine part series depicting the varying fortunes of four friends - Nicky, Geordie, Mary and Tosker - from the optimistic times of 1964 to the uncertainties of 1995. Taking nine pivotal years (1964, 1966, 1967, 1970, 1974, 1979, 1984, 1987, 1995) the personal lives of the characters become intertwined with the political struggles of their home town of Newcastle, and the capital, London. We also see the machinations behind the scenes that affect their lives, often for the worse: slum housing projects, police corruption, the rise of Thatcherism, political sleaze, and specific events like the 1984 Miners' Strike.
简介: Richard Mayhew leads an ordinary life in London when one day a girl named Door falls, injured, across his path. The next thing he knows, his life is gone and he's pulled into the fantastical world of London Below. Pursued by the murderous Messrs. Croup and Vandemar, Door and Richard with the help of Hunter and the Marquis de Carabas, attempt to find the Angel Islington, who knows the secret behind the murder of Door's family, and possibly a way for Richard to go home. Writer Neil Gaiman is seen in the opening credits; he's the shadowy figure standing in the archway.
导演:Dominic Minghella Foz Allan
简介: The legend continues... With new allies and old enemies, Robin Hood returns for a third series full of thrilling adventures as Robin and his gang continue to outwit the dastardly Sheriff and his forces. As the series begins, the outlaws are in disarray. Marian is dead and Robin has split up the gang and launched a solo mission to avenge her and kill Gisborne. It is only the intervention of the mysterious Tuck that stops Robin joining Marian in an early grave. Which is bad news for Gisbourne and the Sheriff. Under pressure from Prince John, they must take down Robin Hood once and for all. When the prince, tired of their ineffectualness and bad leadership, arrives in Nottingham to reprimand the Sheriff and Gisbourne, it becomes clear that there is only room forone sidekick at his table,but which one?
简介: BBC又一部恶搞的喜剧剧集,这次恶搞的对象连英国首相都包括进来了(跟手下的男秘书关系暧昧不清),而且,英国叫"大不列颠"(The Great Britain),所以BBC偏偏故意把这部讽刺英国社会的喜剧叫做"小不列颠". 全剧主演只有两位,所有的任务中的不同角色都是由两位主演通过更换服装,道具和化妆来完成的.全剧不是讲述一个完整的故事,而是由一个一个不同的生活片断构成的,各片段之间联系不大,但是充满黑色幽默,两个活宝演员在英国相当于咱们的"周星星"大哥,只是对英国文化不了解的话,想理解其幽默之处可能会遇到点麻烦. 两个主演都不是帅哥型的,然而表演绝对是一流水准,客串演员中不乏大牌明星本剧自2003年开播以来反响强烈获得诸多奖项 成功的创作和主演了第一季后 David Walliams和Matt Lucas马上创作了第2季的剧本和场景 本季共分6集 在第一季的基础上又新增了几个场景 比如爱脱衣服的Bubbles de Vere 女士, 总是呕吐的食品鉴赏家Judy 和 Maggie,怪异的Mr Mann等等 第一季的很多重要角色都得到了保留 比如大家熟悉的Vicky Pollard 和Lou and Andy等等 在取得了第一季的成功后 第2季的剧情更加天马行空 两位主演兼编剧的想象力常让我们大跌眼镜 也给我们带来了一种全新的搞笑方式 本季风格更加恶搞和变态 表演也更加大胆。相比第一季 第二季可能会显得更加恶心和变态 可能有些朋友会不太喜欢
主演:马修·麦克费登 克莱尔·芙伊 汤姆·康特奈 朱迪·帕瑞福特 埃迪·马森
简介: 《小杜丽》(Little Dorrit)是由BBC电视台根据狄更斯同名小说改编的作品。 艾米·杜丽(克莱尔·芙伊 Claire Foy 饰)的父亲威廉·杜丽(汤姆·康特奈 Tom Courtenay 饰)经商失败,连累全家欠下巨额债务而被关进 了债务人监狱。在债务人监狱里出生、长大的艾米尽管出身卑微,生活困苦,但却有颗善良的心,从不吝惜为周围的人出力,也不为自己的贫困感到羞耻。21岁那年,她瞒着父亲到皮尔逊家当佣人,在那里她遇到了皮尔逊家的独子亚瑟(马修·麦克费登 Matthew Macfadyen 饰)。通过亚瑟的帮助杜丽一家因其姓氏得到意外的遗产离开监狱成为上流社会的一员。周遭的一切也因此突然变得不一样起来。经过种种,艾米和亚瑟是否最终走到一起
简介: 杰克(托比·斯蒂芬斯 Toby Stephens 饰)喜欢过那种闲散的田园生活,但在误打误撞之中,他却成为了一名警督。快节奏的工作和生活让杰克感到很不适应,在处理着接踵而至的案件同时,他随着做好了“撤退”的准备。 凯特(露茜·彭奇 Lucy Punch 饰)是杰克的搭档,在和丈夫丹(罗里·金尼尔 Rory Kinnear 饰)的婚姻陷入僵局之中后,她只身一人来到陌生的城市,决心凭借自己的力量,做出一番大事业。就是这样的两人,他们凑到了一起,对于每一件事、每一个决定,杰克和凯特都有着几乎截然相反的看法。尽管一路上少不了吵吵闹闹,但杰克和凯特互补的性格恰恰成为了帮助他们破案的“利器”,两人之间的情谊亦比表面上看来要深厚的多。