主演:有馬克明 柊美冬 小西寛子 林延年 肥後誠 梅津秀行 山口由里子 三石
简介:漫改15禁OVA,共3话。 各话发售日及标题: [1997-04-25] ぶっとび!!CPU 第1話 過激にアクセス! [1997-06-27] ぶっとび!!CPU 第2話 やさしくハングアップ [1997-09-26] ぶっとび!!CPU 第3話 優雅にリセット OVA版[編集] 全3巻のOVAが1997年に「ピンクパイナップル」レーベルから発売され、2 001年にはOVA全巻を収録したDVD「ぶっとび!!CPU 全集」も発売された。 本OVAは基本的に原作を基に制作されているが、以下の相違点がある。 原作は年齢制限がないが、OVAでは内容上R指定(15歳未満及び中学生以下は鑑賞禁止)にレイティングされている。 原作キャラクターの約半数(的場純一・ナナ・小石川愛・夏目八千代・麗美・華子など)が登場しない。
主演:施拉德哈·卡普尔 帕拉巴斯 曼迪拉·贝迪 杰奇·史洛夫 马赫什·曼杰瑞
简介:The Story is about a power battle which is taking place in the higher echelons of power unrelated and unconnected episodes occurring in different parts of the globe, Intertwine in an unforeseen manner to a revelation of mind games. The story delves the audience into the game of a brilliant master mind to reveal the true nature of all that are involved. It challenges the perceptions of who is the hunter and who is the hunted. It blends in a thrilling story with commercial elements of story telling to deliver a high octane action entertainer appealing to all segments of the audience.
主演:Jessica Rookeward Gabriella Saraiva
导演:Suzy Milstein Marcelo Trotta
简介: A 16 year old Carol is going through a period of major changes in her life. On the one hand, Carol has to deal with her mother's marriage to her new boyfriend and the impending relationship with her future stepbrother. On the other hand, a new school year begins in high school, in which Carol starts her first real relationship and experiences various situations with her long-time friends that also put their friendship to the test. Carol faces the typical challenges of being a teenager and experiences feelings that she has never felt in this form before and learns that the first step to happiness is to know yourself and also to respect your own feelings, even if you are makes one or two mistakes on the way there