主演:Nicole Madjarov Peter O'Toole Steve
导演:Ilyas Kaduji Michael Redwood
简介: Katherine of Alexandria, brought up as a nomad and living in the desert, was aged just 11 when Emperor Maxentius saw her whilst out on patrol. Consumed by her beauty, impudence and uncanny talent for languages, he abducted the child, killing her family. The slaughter was witnessed by her young friend, Constantine, who would later become Emperor of the Western Roman Empire. He never lost hope of finding Katherine. As a young woman, Katherine refused to submit to Maxentius' offers of marriage and she continually denounced his brutal enforcement of pagan religion upon the masses. Still obsessed with her beauty, Maxentius brought Katherine before 50 of Rome's finest scholars in an open court in Alexandria, where she eloquently demolished their arguments. When Constantine learned of Katherine's whereabouts and imprisonment at the hands of Maxentius, he led his army from York in a desperate bid to save her.
主演:罗伯·劳 John Owen Lowe 茜安·克利福德 Aaron B
简介:《紧急呼救:孤星》Rob Lowe与自己的儿子John Owen Lowe共同创作并主演的Netflix喜剧《不稳定》(Unstable)公开演出阵容和更多故事梗概: 此次父子两人将与《真爱不死》的主创Victor Fersco合作,讲述一个发生在尖端生物技术科研公司的故事;John Owen饰演的儿子“Jackson”将为Rob饰演的事业成功、却性情古怪的父亲“Ellis”打工,以避免他陷入灾难。 John Owen是Rob的小儿子,95年出生;不过早前他就投身于Rob在FOX的喜剧《律师兄弟》,进行了编剧工作。此外他还担任了《紧急呼救:孤星》的故事编辑,常常和父亲在社交媒体互动,互相整蛊对方。 《伦敦生活》“Claire” Sian Clifford饰演“Anna”,公司的CFO,从Ellis创业以来就一直为他效力;她很坚强、聪明、有自己的主见并...