主演:托马斯·简 德克斯特·弗莱彻 大卫·奥哈拉 黛博拉·卡拉·安格 阿什利
简介: 真人真事改编,讲述了南非大盗安德利·斯坦德的生平。80年代南非约汉尼斯堡一名白人警官斯坦德因为种族隔离政策成为众矢之的,走投无路的他竟成为恶名昭著的银行大盗,1983年间他所率领的逍遥帮派曾创下一天内抢劫四家银行的“辉煌”纪录…… 《Stander》这部影片是以André Stander的真实故事为背景制作的,他原本是一个专门对付抢劫、凶杀的警长,最后却变为这个国家最声名狼藉的银行抢劫犯。在参与了一次血腥镇压暴动之后,他决定对其所在的警务系统进行挑衅,于是他开始了一系列疯狂大胆的犯罪行为。中午打劫银行,随即以警长的身份返回案发现场进行领导办案。最终被同在警局的同事抓获并被投入大牢。随后,在狱中,他结识了Allan Heyl 和 Lee McCall ,并一同越狱逃跑,随后组织了“Stander帮派”,并招揽了一大批抢劫犯,并随着时间一步步发展壮大。在公众的眼中,他们对于当权者的蔑视使他们成为了南非最有名的反政府英雄,而事实上,他们是这个国家最想逮捕归案的通缉犯。
主演:Fatin Afeefa Farah Ahmad 亨齐·安达拉斯 Ch
简介:Based on true events that happened in Singapore in April 1958. The studio workers of Shaw Brothers are on strike for better pay and to support workers who have been sacked, they organised a variety show to collect funds and donations. During the show, Malaysian film legend P Ramlee and his best friend Jamil Sulong wrote an iconic Raya song (Festival song) that is still sung tod...
主演:扎芙林·宰丽扎尔 迪娜·埃兹拉尔 碧卡 莎黑兹·萨姆 郡·洛琼 海鲁纳
简介:故事一开始,我们见到了12岁的扎凡(扎芙林·宰丽扎尔 Zafreen Zairizal 饰),一个叛逆而无忧无虑的女孩。然而,她的身体开始发生可怕的变化,而她却试图否认和掩饰这些变化,希望在学校里保持正常的生活。随着朋友们对扎凡的排挤和攻击,情节逐渐升级,达到了一个临界点,整个学校陷入恐慌。 学校里关于厕所里藏着一个暗影的传说加剧了恐惧氛围,而一位自告奋勇的医疗官决定赶走困扰众人的恶魔。医疗官很快发现扎凡可能是问题的根源,打算为她进行驱魔。扎凡的内心状态宛如一只被拖出栖息地的受惊老虎,她最终决定向众人展示真实的本性,包括愤怒、狂暴和美丽。这可能是一个关于接受自己真实面貌的故事,同时也涉及到对于社会标准和期望的反抗。
主演:阿迪勒·阿赫塔尔 克莱尔·拉什布鲁克 梅西·夏克敦 肖恩·托马斯 Th
简介: Last at the Festival with 2017’s rural noir Dark River, a selection in the Platform programme, writer-director Clio Barnard returns to the Bradford, West Yorkshire setting of her earlier films for this tumultuous, fiercely affecting midlife love story. A bundle of good humour and nervous energy, Ali (Adeel Akhtar) is a British Pakistani working-class landlord who forges close bonds with his tenants. One day, while picking up one of his tenants’ children from school, he offers a lift to Ava (Claire Rushbrook), an Irish-born teacher and single mother of five. They bond almost instantly through their love of music, though Ali favours the high energy of Buzzcocks and hip-hop while Ava takes refuge in the quieter comforts of Bob Dylan and Karen Dalton. Despite their divergent backgrounds, differences in their stages of life, and the colour of their skin, despite the fact of Ali’s failing marriage and Ava’s fraught relationship with her adult and adolescent children, each finds themself irresistibly drawn to the other. But can their mutual desire transcend a barrage of personal obstacles? Inspired by people Barnard encountered while making her acclaimed features The Arbor and The Selfish Giant, Ali & Ava is a film that feels profoundly rooted in lived experience, blending a tender emotional complexity with an at times bracing depiction of trauma and grief. Akhtar and Rushbrook’s finely hued performances speak to the setting’s cultural diversity and tribal loyalties while yielding a vulnerability that’s alternately heart-wrenching and joyous. Their story serves as a reminder that it is sometimes the least likely connections that are the ones most worth pursuing.