主演:艾米丽·沃森 瑞切尔·格里菲斯 詹姆斯·弗莱恩 大卫·莫瑞瑟 查尔斯·
主演:詹姆斯·斯图尔特 格蕾丝·凯利 温戴尔·柯瑞 瑟尔玛·瑞特 雷蒙德·布
简介: 摄影师杰弗里斯(詹姆斯·斯图尔特 饰)因站在赛车道中间拍摄,断了左腿,只得在家静养七周。除了保险公司的护士斯特拉(西尔玛·里特 饰)和女友丽莎·卡罗尔·弗里蒙特(格雷斯·凯利 饰)每日前来照料,百无聊赖的杰弗里斯只能在窗前闲看邻居们的日常生活以打发时间。对面公寓的二楼住着人造珠宝推销员拉尔斯·托瓦尔德(雷蒙德·伯尔 饰)及妻子安娜(艾琳·温斯顿 饰),夫妻之间争吵不断。一个雨夜,杰弗里斯看到拉尔斯提着箱子外出数次。次日,杰弗里斯又看到拉尔斯用报纸包裹一把锯和一把刀。杰弗里斯起了疑心,他怀疑拉尔斯杀害了安娜并分尸抛弃。然而,杰弗里斯并未目击案发过程,也未见到尸体。那么真相究竟如何呢?杰弗里斯的推测只是他的臆想吗?为了证实他的推测,杰弗里斯要如何寻找证据呢?
主演:田村正和 Masakazu Tamura 筱ひろ子 桥爪功 Isao
简介: 故事是从小泉, 茂木, 以及那个老总的秘书片桐三个人在医院等著做健康 检查, 又聚在一块儿说老婆坏话开始…… 然後, 小泉夫妇答应为雅子做媒人, 对象是三上聪(大泽隆夫 饰)的同事 , 岂料, 相亲当晚, 三上和佐佐木拎著一个小男孩出现! 吓著了雅子, 气坏了 由起子----由起子认为小泉不应该隐瞒对方离婚且有小孩的事情, 但小泉认为 这种事应该由对方自己来说, 而且有过一次失败的婚姻, 反而更会珍惜再一次 的婚姻( 後者是小泉後来对他的死党说的 )! 就因为[ 欺骗 ]这个话题, 两人掀出对方的陈年旧帐, 气得小泉又把由起子赶出去! 当然啦----由起子去投靠雅子, 才进对方的门槛没几分钟, 茂木的老婆也离家出走来找雅子, 三个失意的女人开始批评起婚姻与抱怨起来! 另一方面, 茂木也跑到小泉家来, 那个秘书也随後跟进, 呵! 呵! 三个男人也喝著啤酒抱怨老婆的不体贴---- 三个人商量著要和老婆离婚, 老总秘书对茂木说: 离婚还要给赡养费, 现在的行情是每年一百万, 还要乘上结婚年数! 茂木心想: 一百万乘以二十……他便有点犹豫, 小泉则说要他和秘书考虑孩子的问题。 由起子和茂木老婆做惯了家事, 在雅子家闲得发慌, 两个人争著泡咖啡;後来由起子想到小姗会不会没人喂, 茂木妻也想到她家那只大狗, 然後, 由起子跑回家, 看见家里乱七八糟, 心想: 我为什么要帮你整理?!她就又走了。 有一天, 雅子劝由起子不要离婚, 由起子老神在在, 似乎离婚离定了! 真琴打电话到雅子家找由起子, 告知小泉的健康检查一再延误; 她一听, 丢下话筒就急著跑回家! 小泉晚上回家, 看到妻子已把家中打扫乾净, 就对她道歉! 由起子责备他为何不好好照顾身体, 小泉因莫名其妙的被骂, 又吵了起来! 当由起子说: 我希望你可以活得比我久! 小泉也生气的说: 不要胡说! 我要是比你先走, 留下你一个女人怎么办呢? 你还要照顾我呢! 由起子哭了起来, 小泉也哭了, 然後他又道歉, 最後两人相拥著喜极而泣! 因为他们都仍深爱著彼此----正当小泉夫妇欲共进晚餐以庆祝, 呵! 呵! 茂木夫妇, 老总秘书都跑来! 片桐则用电话和老婆吵架! 然後----真琴也哭著进来, 因为她为了三上准备晚餐, 三上却醉醺醺的回家! 三上急急忙忙来找真琴, 两人後来在书房大吵! 小泉夫妇坐在中庭, 悠闲的喝酒, 露出会心的微笑。其实, 吵架的原因不都是为了对方好嘛! ( 茂木妻因为茂木隐瞒健检的事而生气; 片桐妻为了片桐的健康才做口味淡的菜, 片桐却认为她故意整他; 真琴为了老公急著回家做菜 , 老公却大煞情趣。)
主演:西恩·奥斯汀 乔什·布洛林 杰夫·科恩 科里·费尔德曼 凯利·格林 玛
简介:故事发生在美国西岸的一个小镇中,开发者的到来扰乱了当地居民的平静生活,他们企图将这片人们赖以生存的土地据为己有,对于居民们来说,流离失所的生活似乎在所难免。米奇(西恩·奥斯汀 Sean Astin 饰)和布莱登(乔什·布洛林 Josh Brolin 饰)是一对兄弟,一次偶然中,他们获得了一张年代久远的海盗藏宝图。这一发现让兄弟两人欣喜若狂,因为如果藏宝图所言不假,那么他们就能够守住他们的家园。 在朋友们的帮助下,兄弟两人找到了宝藏的入口,它不在别处,正在福瑞特利家的楼下。让众人感到十分头痛的是,这个福瑞特利家族在小镇上有着远扬的坏名声,当宝藏存在的消息不胫而走后,他们显然已经为了能够将其据为己有而展开了行动。
主演:马里乌什·德莫霍夫斯基 贝娅塔·蒂希基维茨 菲耶夫斯基·塔德乌什 Ja
简介:The Doll is an adaptation of the novel, The Doll (novel) by Bolesław Prus, which is regarded by many as one of the finest Polish novels ever written and, along with Pharaoh (novel), made Bolesław Prus a potential candidate for the Nobel Prize in literature. The influence of Émile Zola is evident, and some have compared the novel to Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert; both were Prus's contemporaries. The movie, however, may be more compared to Stendhal's Le Rouge et le Noir, (The Red and the Black). The Doll constitutes a panorama of life in Warsaw between 1878 and 1879, and at the same time is a subtle story of three generations of Polish idealists, their psychological complications, their involvement in the history of the nineteenth century, social dramas, moral problems and the experience of tragic existence. At the same time this story describes the disintegration of social relationships and the growing separation of a society whose aristocratic elite spreads the models of vanity and idleness. In the bad air of a backward country, anti-Semitic ideas are born, valuable individuals meet obstacles on their way, and scoundrels are successful. This poetic love story follows a nouveau riche merchant, Stanislaw Wokulski, through a series of trials and tribulations occasioned by his obsessive passion for an aristocratic beauty, Izabela Lecka, played by the famous Polish actress, Beata Tyszkiewicz. Plot As a descendant of an impoverished Polish noble family, young Wokulski is forced to work as a waiter at Hopfer's, a Warsaw restaurant, while dreaming of a life in science. After taking part in the failed 1863 Uprising against Tsarist Russia, he is sentenced to exile in Siberia. On eventual return to Warsaw, he becomes a salesman at Mincel's haberdashery. Marrying the late owner's widow (who eventually dies), he comes into money and uses it to set up a partnership with a Russian merchant he had met while in exile. The two merchants go to Bulgaria during the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78, and Wokulski makes a fortune supplying the Russian Army. The enterprising Wokulski now proves a romantic at heart, falling in love with Izabela, daughter of the vacuous, bankrupt aristocrat, Tomasz Łęcki. In his quest to win Izabela, Wokulski begins frequenting theatres and aristocratic salons; and to help her financially distressed father, founds a company and sets the aristocrats up as shareholders in his business.The indolence of these aristocrats, who secure with their pensions, are too lazy to undertake new business risks, frustrates Wokulski. His ability to make money is respected but his lack of family and social rank is condescended to. Because of his help (in secret) to Izabela's impecunious but influential father, the girl becomes aware of his affection. In the end she consents to accept him, but without true devotion or love.(wikipedia)
主演:詹姆斯·沃克 特里特·威廉斯 多米尼克·斯科特·凯伊 莎拉·德鲁 凯瑟
主演:克里斯特尔·博登斯坦 Charles Hans Vogt Eckart
简介: 前东德最好的一部超现实主义幻想剧! this is one of the most amazing looking,surreal films of all time and i only recently acquired it on video.it was just as good after fond childhood memories of it.highly recommended,with great special effects,and stunning set design,and vivid colour and cinematography.buy with confidence! This is as you remember watching it as a child. Lifelike, overtly coloured and full of magical splendor, terrifying nasties and surreal characters. In short, do not shy away from this opportunity to show a "Christmas Special" to your children in favour of the usual fare from Disney and co. Rather, pop a fresh batch of pop corn, get first dibs on the comfy chair and opt for what was arguably one of the highlights of East German children's programming.