主演:Margit Evelyn Newton 佛朗哥·加罗法洛 Selan
导演:Bruno Mattei Claudio Fragasso
简介:在新几那亚有一个岛上,因为化学工厂实验的关係,造成厂内死老鼠复活,并在咬伤工作人员后,造成该实验大楼变成僵尸横行。4个SWAT队员,集体到新几内亚调查案发经过,到一个小镇后,碰到一群採访事故原因的记者,结果他们当中,有一个小孩被殭尸咬了一口,小孩在车上躺在他父亲怀裡休息时,有人开车门发现,小孩已变成僵尸,正在吃他父亲内臟;在教堂内,也发现神父已变僵尸;他们到达当地土著部落时,也发生僵尸吃土著的事件。经过一连串的逃命后,最后他们来到那栋实验大楼,终于发现是实验事故毒气外洩结果导造成僵尸,最后当然是包括男女主角在内都未能倖免于难。 本片导演Bruno Mattei在幕后花絮中说,本片参杂了《Dawn of the Dead》的一些影子,比方殭尸出现时总是一大群,还有要打头才会死。场景主要是在丛林与部落跟工厂。本片中一开头即说明造成殭尸的原因。另外本片虽然场景是在新几内亚,但一看就知道部份是合成的。应该是在欧洲拍摄的。还有这位导演原来还导了Rats(1984)以及参与Zombi3约40%的制作。本片血腥度十足,虽然现在看起来会觉得有点假,但在现在看时还是会觉得十分过癮。喜欢殭尸片又带点腥膻色的人,可以考虑一看。 ======================================================== 一场意外发生于位在新几内亚丛林裡的一座化学工厂,外洩的化学毒物导致死尸复活,复活的死尸群起攻击丛林裡的原始部落居民。一组记者巧遇另一组武装特勤部队,两队人马在丛林中与遭遇部落民族,并于设法于僵尸群中逃出生路。 超恶搞的片子,列举数个恶搞例子: 制作群不知从何搞来近似国家地理频道纪录片片段,新几内亚丛林裡的野生动物与原始部落生活就这麼活生生又突兀地剪辑入这部殭尸电影。一群特勤人员其实只是开著吉普车在西班牙乡间小径游荡,只因剪接许多野生动物纪录片入戏,感觉好像身处新几内亚丛林。不过,其实剪接得挺粗糙地。 整组人马路过一丛林部落,女主角一脸正经得跳出来说:”部落民族生性危险而不可测,姐姐有经验,要安全通过只有一个方法,我必须走在前面,单独地在前面…”。接著,冷不防,他就毫不迟疑的脱下上衣,露出美丽双峰。又接著,看到姐姐脸画成土著迷彩,只穿著树叶比基尼,又走又跳地引领整组人马通过部落。从没看过如此彻底的为脱而脱,真是够无厘头。 某特勤队员在一丛林小屋中穿起芭雷舞衣,跳了一段模仿Gene Kelly的Singing in the Rain,接著旋即变成殭尸攻击的受害者。 号称是史上大滥片之一。完成拍摄只费时5週。 其实: 是不错看的电影,该有的殭尸电影元素全具备,举凡:殭尸小孩啃老爸,殭尸群分食受害人,受害伙伴回生加害同行伙伴,欲消灭殭尸必击毁头部…等等,一应俱全。 最血腥的一段昰: 女主角受害时,特写全在脸上,舌头先被殭尸群拔出,接著手在嘴裡往上猛掏,掏得两颗眼珠爆出,够血腥。 后记: 名人导演Quentin Tarantino 在某处发表欣赏此片的谈话,重新引发世人对此陈年旧片的注意。而此片导演Bruno Mattei,自己承认已有多年未再看过这电影,只得重新翻出片子再次恢复记忆,才能体会为何昆汀塔伦提诺会喜爱此片。 此片导演Bruno Mattei的另一名作是1984年的《Rats Night of Terror》。
主演:大卫·尼文 金·亨特 罗伯托·库特 凯思琳·拜荣 理查德·阿滕伯勒 博
简介:二战时期,英国皇家空军Peter(大卫·尼文 David Niven 饰)驾驶的飞机即将坠毁,他的战友Bob已经死亡。他联系上了美国波士顿的军事电台,向电台的女兵June(金·亨特 Kim Hunter 饰)交代了他的遗言。随后Peter在没有降落伞的情况下跳了机,落在了一个海上,意外活了下来。更在醒来的海滩上遇到了June,两人坠入爱河。而死去的Bob则去了天国,一直等不到Peter。天国派出了71号管理员来人间找回Peter,而Peter则不想死去。为了活下来,他必须在天国打赢一场官司,他可以挑选一名律师,这些律师都是那些死去的人,例如柏拉图、林肯等人,Peter能否赢得这场官司从而留在人间和June长相厮守呢?
主演:雪儿 朱迪·丹奇 琼·普莱怀特 Joan Plowright 玛吉·史
简介:根据导演Franco Zeffirelli本人的早年个人经历改编,讲述二战期间,一群热爱意大利文化艺术的女性在佛罗伦萨和圣吉米尼亚诺的经历,其中包括和墨索里尼喝茶的前英国大使夫人(Maggie Smith饰)、帮雇主照顾私生子卢卡的玛丽(Joan Plowright饰)、艺术热爱者阿拉贝拉(Judi Dench饰)、年轻英国记者康妮(Tessa Pritchard饰)、干练的美国女性乔琪(Lily Tomlin饰)、放浪但好心的美国女性埃尔莎(Cher饰)。战争爆发前,她们常常聚在前大使夫人处,或是在乌菲齐美术馆里喝茶聊天,二战爆发后,她们都被软禁在了古城圣吉米尼亚诺,被她们照顾过的卢卡已经长大,时常前来帮助她们。
主演:George C. Scott Joanne Woodward
简介:They Might be Giants chronicles the adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson in modern-day New York City. The fact that Sherlock Holmes is a psychotic paranoid and Dr. Watson is a female psychiatrist fascinated by his case is almost beside the point. Dr. Watson follows Holmes across Manhattan and is, against her better judgment, drawn into the master detective's world of intrigue and danger. This is a sweet, goofy and fairly romantic film that asks the questions Whose reality is right...and does it really matter
主演:大卫·凯斯 德鲁·巴里摩尔 弗雷迪·琼斯 海瑟·洛克莱尔 马丁·辛 乔
简介:在安迪(David Keith饰)和维姬(Heather Locklear饰)还在上大学的时候,他们为了赚钱参与了一次实验,服用了一种叫做Lot-6的化学品。他们结了婚,现在已经拥有了一个9岁的女儿莎林。莎林有一种特异功能,她可以靠自己的意念点燃东西,这可能要归因于安迪和维姬曾经参与的那次实验,同时,安迪也拥有了某种超能力,可以让人们做他希望人做的事情。那次实验的操作者是一个秘密的政府部门,代号为“商店”,执行人是约瑟夫博士,他开始派人追查两个人的下落,并且派出了一个狙击手,要杀掉两人。而他们没有预料到的是,安迪和维姬拥有的超能力可以帮助他们摆脱追捕,一场大战即将上演。 本片由著名作家斯蒂芬·金的畅销小说改编,Mark L. Lester执导。本片的导演最初选定为约翰·卡朋特。据卡朋特说,Universal制片公司的高层出于票房考虑将其安排去拍摄The Thing (1982)。Martin Sheen仓卒出演,他的剧本是从别的演员那儿临时抓来的。斯蒂芬·琼斯所写的书Creepshows上说,David Keith是角色安迪的第十四号候选人。
主演:Bob Dylan Joan Baez Judy Collins
简介:"Bob Dylan going electric" at the 1965 Newport Folk Festival is one of those epochal moments in rock history that seemingly everyone has heard about, but what few people seem to know is that it wasn't some ephemeral event that we only know from word of mouth -- filmmaker Murray Lerner documented the performances at the Newport Festival for several years running, and The Other Side of the Mirror collects footage from the three years Dylan appeared at the celebrated folk gathering, allowing us to see Dylan's rise through the folk scene for ourselves. Watching Lerner's documentary, what's most remarkable is how much Dylan changed over the course of 36 months; the young folkie performing at the afternoon "workshop" at the side of Joan Baez in 1963 is at once nervy and hesitant, singing his wordy tunes while chopping away at his acoustic guitar and energizing the crowd without seeming to know just what he's doing. In 1964, Dylan all but owns Newport, and he clearly knows it; he's the talk of the Festival, with Baez and Johnny Cash singing his praises (and his songs), and his command of the stage is visibly stronger and more confident while his new material (including "Mr. Tambourine Man" and "It Ain't Me, Babe") sees him moving away from the "protest songs" that first made his name. When the audience demands an encore after Dylan's evening set (Odetta and Dave Van Ronk were scheduled to follow him), Peter Yarrow tries to keep the show moving along while Dylan beams at the crowd's adulation, like the rock star he was quickly becoming. By the time the 1965 Newport Festival rolled around, Dylan's epochal "Like a Rolling Stone" was starting to scale the singles charts, and the hardcore folk audience was clearly of two minds about his popular (and populist) success. When Dylan, Fender Stratocaster in hand, performs "Maggie's Farm" backed by Al Kooper, Mike Bloomfield and the rhythm section from the Paul Butterfield Blues Band, the raucous but hard-driving number inspires a curious mixture of enthusiastic cheering and equally emphatic booing, and while legend has it that the version of "Like a Rolling Stone" that followed was a shambles, the song cooks despite drummer Sam Lay's difficulty in finding the groove, though if anything the division of the crowd's loyalties is even stronger afterward. After these two numbers, Dylan and his band leave the stage, with Yarrow (once again serving as MC) citing technical problems (if Pete Seeger really pulled the power on Dylan, as legend has it, there's no sign of it here); Dylan returns to the stage with an acoustic six-string to sing "Mr. Tambourine Man" and "It's All Over Now, Baby Blue" before vanishing into the night without comment. While much of the audience at Newport in 1965 wanted the "old" Dylan back, his strong, willful performances even on the acoustic stuff makes it obvious that the scrappy semi-amateur we saw at the beginning of the movie was gone forever, and the ovations suggest more than a few people wanted to see Dylan rock. Lerner's film tells us a certain amount of what we already knows, but it gently debunks a few myths about Dylan during this pivotal moment in his career, and his performances are committed and forceful throughout; no matter how many times you've read about Dylan's Newport shoot-out of 1965, seeing it is a revelatory experience, and Lerner has assembled this archival material with intelligence and taste. This is must-see viewing for anyone interested in Dylan or the folk scene of the '60s.
主演:扎苏·皮茨 吉布森·格沃兰德 让·赫肖尔特 戴尔·富勒 坦普·皮戈特
主演:Joann Fletcher Tamara Tunie
简介: Dr. Joann Fletchers, an Egyptologist finds three abandoned mummies in a tomb in the Valley Of Kings. She thinks the third mummy is the forgotten legend, once the most powerful woman on earth; Nefertiti. With the help of modern day technology and scientists she tries to uncover mysteries surrounding the life of Nefertiti. But is the mummy really Nefertiti?