简介: 亚历克斯•霍诺德可能是世界上最好的徒手攀岩大师,或许有之一,或许没之一。总之喜好无保护徒手攀岩的我想应该都是大师,因为在这项世界上可能是最危险的极限运动中,任何技艺不精的人都活不到成为大师的那一天。 从名称你就能知道,他们攀岩的时候是徒手无保护的(当然允许用镁粉了),攀岩过程中有任何闪失就只有一个后果:从高空直接自由落体。 《孤身绝壁》这部24分钟的纪录片就是拍摄亚历克斯•霍诺德无保护攀登犹他州锡安国家公园“月光拱壁”(370米)以及优胜美地国家公园半穹顶“西北壁常规线路” 的过程。这都是首次有人无保护徒手攀岩登顶成功。 这两处攀岩路线按照约塞米提难度系统(Yosemite Decimal System)(简称Y.D.S.)的分级,分别是(V, 5.12+, 9段)和 (VI, 5.12a, 23段),也就是说必须要借助器械才能进行攀登,绳子和保护是必须的。而亚历克斯•霍诺德就凭借一袋镁粉完成了攀登过程,其中高达370米的“月光拱壁”中,有一段长达215米的绝壁,只有一条宽约2.5厘米的垂直岩缝,霍诺德完全凭借手指固定身体攀过这一段绝壁。 而优胜美地国家公园的半穹顶“西北壁常规线路”则高达600米,即使现代攀岩者用绳索保护和借助器械,一般都需要一天时间才能完成攀登(历史上首攀成功是在1957年,凭借器械和绳索也花了5天时间)。霍诺德继续凭借一袋镁粉完成了登顶,耗时6小时。 《孤身绝壁》(Alone on the Wall)是班夫山地文化电影节中国巡展影片的一部
主演:Emile Abossolo M'bo Yousso
简介:亚当(Emile Abossolo M'bo 饰)曾是一名非常优秀的游泳运动员,还得到过冠军的荣誉,如今,年近60的他早已经告别了赛道退出舞台,现在的亚当,是一家豪华酒店里的泳池救生员。因为酒店经营不善,导致遭人收购,被收购之后,一切亚当早已经习以为常的事情都开始发生了变化。首当其冲的就是他遭到了变相的解雇,需要将职位拱手相让给自己的儿子阿比代尔(Youssouf Djaoro 饰)。 这个国家此时正在进行残酷激烈的内战,政府强制性的规定每一家都必须出钱或者出力。亚当一贫如洗,想要出钱是不可能的,那么,他就只剩下阿比代尔可以“奉献”给他的祖国了。
主演:斯特凡·乌赫尔 米洛斯·福尔曼 Jaromil Jireš 帕维尔·祖
简介: The 2-part feature-length documentary "25 ze šedesátých aneb Československá nová vlna" ("25 from the Sixties, or Czechoslovak New Wave") presents a complex view of the phenomenon of Czech and Slovak New Wave in the cultural and social context of the 60's. 25 fundamental films commented on by their makers and film historians offer the viewer a dramatic insight into the golden era of Czechoslovak cinema. The documentary is a follow-up on the biographical TV series "Zlatá šedesátá" (Czech Television, 2009), based on the filmmakers' personal remembrances. As opposed to the series, the documentary presents the Czech and Slovak cinema of the 60's in the national, international and also inter-generational context. It describes the ways the New Wave crossed the existing artistic boundaries, how it variegated the world cinema and where it left an ineffaceable impression. It analyses the work of filmmakers in a state-funded cinema, under the pressure of ideological demands on one hand and commerce on the other. It presents the dilemma of a man - an artist - on the edge between contradictory social systems and incongruous aesthetic requirements. The existential drama of a man acting freely and at the same time mercilessly crushed by the wheels of the system. The 60's are, from this point of view, mostly an era of fortunate historical constellation, not only in - at that time - Czechoslovakia, but on a world-wide scale. An era of expectations and upswing, but also an era of exemplary human decisions and artistic pursuit. Those are some of the things "25 ze šedesátých aneb Československá nová vlna" wants to commemorate. Part 1 comments on: ■"Slnko v sieti" ("The Sun in a Net," 1962) by Štefan Uher ■"Konkurs" ("Audition," 1963) by Miloš Forman ■"Křik" ("The Cry," 1963) by Jaromil Jireš ■"Postava k podpírání" ("Joseph Kilian," 1963) by Pavel Juráček & Jan Schmidt ■"Každý den odvahu" ("Courage for Every Day," 1964) by Evald Schorm ■"Démanty noci" ("Diamonds of the Night," 1964) by Jan Němec ■"Intimní osvětlení" ("Intimate Lighting," 1966) by Ivan Passer ■"Ať žije republika" ("Long Live the Republic," 1965) by Karel Kachyňa ■"Obchod na korze" ("The Shop on Main Street," 1965) by Ján Kadár & Elmar Klos ■"Romance pro křídlovku" ("Romance for Bugle," 1966) by Otakar Vávra ■"Sedmikrásky" ("Daisies," 1966) by Věra Chytilová ■"Ostře sledované vlaky" ("Closely Watched Trains," 1966) by Jiří Menzel Part 2 comments on: ■"Kristove roky" ("The Prime of Life," 1967) by Juraj Jakubisko ■"Stud" ("Shame," 1967) by Ladislav Helge ■"Svatba jako řemen" ("A Hard and Fast Marriage," 1967) by Jiří Krejčík ■"Drak sa vracia" ("Dragon's Return," 1967) by Eduard Grečner ■"Marketa Lazarová" ("Marketa Lazarová," 1967) by František Vláčil ■"Spřízněni volbou" ("Elective Affinities," 1968) by Karel Vachek ■"Spalovač mrtvol" ("The Cremator," 1968) by Juraj Herz ■"Zabitá neděle" ("Squandered Sunday," 1969) by Drahomíra Vihanová ■"Pasťák" ("The Decoy," 1968) by Hynek Bočan ■"Případ pro začínajícího kata" ("Case for a Rookie Hangman," 1969) by Pavel Juráček ■"322" ("322," 1969) by Dušan Hanák ■"Slávnosť v botanickej záhrade" ("Celebration in the Botanical Garden," 1969) by Elo Havetta ■"Všichni dobří rodáci" ("All My Good Countrymen," 1968) by Vojtěch Jasný